Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lobbyist Papers

Running Naked

Nathaniel Loomis
As I sit in the committee, one bill has struck me as the most compelling and interesting, a bill that affects every person today here in Montana. That bill is the Naked Day Bill, where August22 allows a person to legally strip down to the good old birthday suit. This one bill, this one day, can change a person’s life with the freedom of nakedness. Too long has man been confined to the restraints of clothing. Too long have we been forced to clothe our inner self. How much longer will man be hid that is beautiful skin? So lose the shirt, lose the pants, and be free. Be free from the slavery of clothing for one day and support this bill.

My name is Taylor Staudenmeyer and I am a big livestock producer.
My family has been in the livestock producing industry for many generations. When you come about wolves, people think, “wow,they are such beautiful animals.” They don’t understand what wolves do to the livestock industry and sheep industry and also even businesses. So on people’s private properties, we should have the right to kill them when stepping on our land and even going through your animals. A lot of people say that wolves weren’t planted in Montana and they were. Wolves left and then were planted back in Montana. What I am trying to say is we should be able to kill them on our private property and ranchers getting back more than half of their money when livestock is killed.
Wolf Management
Nathaniel Loomis

4.Response to zombie bills
I strongly oppose the Zombie Shelter Bill as a lobbyist. As a representative of the people of Montana, the thought this bill is displaying, that zombies are a real threat is extremely wasteful and irresponsible. Using state
funds to educate and protect the people from a ‘zombie threat’ is a huge waste as zombies DON’T EXIST. The state of Montana should be funding more realistic. I mean, just think about it. Zombies are beings that return from the dead. Is that realistic? I think not.Chandler Jensen-Cody

5.Response to zombie bills
As a lobbyist and representative of the people, I hate zombies. Every bill related to this folktale does not make sense and should not be passed. Zombies do not exist. Whoever is creating these bills should not be allowed here again. The only reason these bills are getting passed is because everyone wants to see how funny it would be on the house/senate floor. It does not make sense. Why would anyone want to lose all their friends and destroy their future at the same time? Maybe someone should tell him what is truly going on.
Jonathan Harich

6.Response to zombie bills
During the Youth and Government program I have seen many bills pass and even more fail. However, one bill stood out in my mind: the zombie bills. I personally feel that those bills are grossly inappropriate and have brought disgrace to this great program. These authors think they are being funny and witty. However, I and the other people who take this program seriously do not appreciate their tomfoolery. Furthermore, one lobbyist Alluvial created a diagram that is highly offensive to me and my delegation because this dastardly lobbyist posted name tag on his zombie saying this poorly made zombie was from the great city of Livingston. In conclusion,these hooligans have greatly angered the Livingston delegation.

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