Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Civil Union Rights

By: Mathias Fochs
Why is gay marriage such a debated issue? It should be a choice. In essence, limiting someone to who they can marry is just as bad as racial segregation, if not worse. People are not forced into making a decision that they have to marry another man. If gay marriage is legalized, they can have a free choice of whom they want to be with. In that sense, two men can often be better parents than a man and woman combination. Every person can and should have the choice, and the fact that we are stopping them from doing this is terrible. No one is saying that if it is legalized that then they must go out and marry someone of the same sex, and the decision of who they marry shouldn’t be forced on anyone. But at this time, men are being forced to marry women and women forced to marry men. In all senses, there is not one good debate as to why women can’t marry other women and men can’t marry other men.

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