Tuesday, April 17, 2012


By Brynne Kambich and Kacie McKeon

Aries (March 21-April 20)- You are bound to have good luck sometime soon. It is encouraged that you eat your lucky charms in the morning and wear your lucky underwear everyday…. Yes you will have good things happen to you.

Taurus (April 21- May 21)- Your love life will be kickin’! Your phone will be blowing up with text messages from potential love interests and your will receive an impressive number of friend requests on Facebook…. This is what love in our generation has come to. Words of advice, don’t be a heartbreaker.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)- You are lost in a social networking world. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are consuming your life. They act as a veil over the reality of your life. Try talking to people face to face and appreciate the people around you.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)- Your lucky color is purple. This is the color of power, royalty, and, of course, JUSTIN BIEBER! If it’s worked for him it’s got to work for you! Try singing somewhere else other than in the shower. Unless your terrible… stick with the shower tunes. Please.

Leo (July 23-August 23)- The stars are leaving your destiny up to chance. There is no guarantee of good luck or bad luck. I suggest carrying around a double-sided coin incase you need to make some of your own luck. If not, well, “may the odds be EVER in your favor”.

Virgo (August 24-September 22)- You are feeling rather annoyed this month. You noticed you are starting to dislike people and the tiniest thing a person does sets you off. You’re a teenager; this is expected to happen. High school is not for the emotionally stable. Try standing on your head and saying “goosfraba” 3 times to chillax. If you can’t balance on your head, sorry you’re out of luck.

Libra (September 23- October 23)- You enjoy attention but never stoop to the level of seeking attention on Facebook. Do NOT post any “LMS” (Like My Status), Truth is, mirror pics, “TBH” (To Be Honest), or “Remember when” statuses. I know it is difficult but don’t do it! You will have very bad luck!

Scorpio (October 24- November 22)- For all of those people who the stars are down on, you are to be their pick-me-up! Try to be optimistic and have a good attitude at all times. If that is too difficult at least suggest some good music to brighten those peoples moods.

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21)- Your humor is on your side this month along with the stars. Your ability to make people laugh brings joy to others but don’t go out of your way to be funny. In other words you’re not funny when you try to be. Keep it simple. Keep it fresh.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)- You have always done average but you are meant to be great!! This is the month where the stars are truly in favor of you. They are going to help you get motivated and give you that extra “mmmph” to get the ball of success rolling! You can reach your dream! It is not too far out of reach now.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)- You are very conserved and shy. This is your chance to be daring and stroll down the risky path of life. Well it might not be much a stroll but probably a sprint. Take some risks. Do things you normally wouldn’t but don’t be stupid be responsible. Just go out of your comfort zone a little bit! YOLO

Pisces (February 19- March 20)- You have mixed feelings not only about Youth Leg but also other things going on in your life. Try to have an open mind and accept the changes going on in your life.

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