Monday, May 13, 2013

Horoscopes May 13, 2013

By: Hannah Ludlow

Aries (March 21- April 20)

Please get off Facebook… your addiction is unhealthy. Get into the legiti-
mate world and start talking to people in person: face to face. Go friend someone in your
math class, or better yet a member of Youth Legislature, with someone you don’t have wait
to reply in a conversation displayed on the internet.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You are one lucky duck. The most worthy investment of college tuition has been paid in
full, by scholarship or loto money, which ever comes first. Well done, make your parents
proud and live for success, because you deserve it. Study hard and do not waste this prime
opportunity for success and a well off life.

Gemini (May 22- June 21)

The stars are in alignment for a romance like no other. That crush you’ve had for the better
part of a school year is finally gonna take a leap for it. Keep up the flirting and don’t loose
hope, you are about to become half a couple. I do warn you though that this will be your
only push for a relationship, after this it is up to you to keep it up, or to let him/ her go. P.S.
the love of your life is wearing blue.

Cancer (June 22- July 22)

Prove your intelligence and individuality by showing off your true colors. Don’t be afraid
to be different. Why fit in when you can stand out, you are the breath of fresh air everyone
needs in this day and age. Leverage this tribute, and learn how much you are needed in
society with media uping the standards for future generations as well as ours.

Leo ( July 23- August 23)

If you are feeling like you need and emotional road map, you are not alone. This is merely
the storm before the rainbow, and just like wishing dandy-lions, sometimes you just got to
let things go. Nothing can ruin your life, talk to others and don’t let yourself go it alone
that’s what friends are for.

Virgo (August 24- September 22)

Everyone knows that you are busy, and you only make time for school,
food, and sleep as a teenager. Now is the time to give back to those who
make things happen for you, and as a fortune cookie once said: generosity
 repays itself sooner than you imagine. You need to spend time socially
with other people both family and friends. Take advantage of this time
and do not stray far from others.

Libra (September 23- October 23)

Your usual hunky-dorey personality is about to take a turn for the rebellious. You will take
a great interest in the unknown as well as taking multiple steps outside of your comfort
zone. With minimal consequences you are broadening your horizons for the near future.
You will be gaining experiences that will help you more than you could have imagined;
your rewards for living outside the box.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22)

Perhaps today will be the worst day of your life. Prepare to fall down the stairs, go
through a breakup and through it all, still have homework. The logic of balance is still in
effect, and after this week life will again be enjoyable. Blissful homework- free evenings
and task-less weekends can only follow the next few days. Allowing time to wind down,
and get ready for summer vacation.

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21)

You were born in a time of joy. Bring back these times today, everyone is stressed and
troubled, and you have been assigned the burden of making the people feel better under
extreme pressure and depression. Quite a task it may be, but one that has great returns,
you are valued more than you think with this capability, use it well.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

You have a tropical attitude and bubbly character today that has begun to rub off on the
people around you. Making for exciting conversations and new friendships abroad. Your
sweet disposition is more desirable than one can imagine, do not resist those who ap-
proach you, your attractive personality brought them to you.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

The energy within you is a good quality but can cause you to be impulsive. Keep tabs on
your decisions and think them through before taking them to action. The results may be
dramatic in both good and depressive extremes. Take your time and do not rush into AN-
YTHING that might get you into trouble later. Patience is key in the life an adolescent.

Pisces (February 19- March 20)

Even though you feel confused and a bit abused or used, you are loved, in the
most unusual yet true way possible. You may be confronted with multiple
opinions on your personal problems, but the only opinion to listen to and trust
is your own. Do not be swayed by what others think is right but by what you
know is true. Do not loose faith, and avoid situations that may involve peer

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